Terms and Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions govern the Lulu Money Services offered by Lulu Exchange Co. W.L.L. (“Lulu Exchange”, we, us, our, ours, including all grammatical variations) in Qatar Other Terms & Conditions governing Your account with Lulu Exchange will continue to be applicable except only where such other Terms & Conditions are in conflict with these Terms & Conditions (“T&Cs”).

Alerts: Means the customized alert messages Lulu sent to Your mobile phone number provided to Lulu and appearing on Lulu Exchange’s records.

Application: Means an application You accessed to avail services offered by Lulu Money.

Business Day: Means a day on which Lulu Exchange is open for business in Qatar.

Instructions: Means the electronic instructions You initiated remotely and electronically transmitted via mobile phone to Lulu.

Lulu: Means Lulu Exchange Co. W.L.L. and its branches and legal assigns.

Lulu Money: Means the Lulu Money App made available for the provision of Lulu Exchange’s services, transactions details, initiating funds transfer instructions and other services as may be made available to You from time to time in each case through mobile phones.

Lulu Money Services: Means the money remittance services available on Lulu Money.

One Time Password: Means the 5-digit number sent to Your registered mobile phone number in order to register and continue using the Lulu Money for security purposes.

Remittances: Means fund transfers from Your Account to any account maintained with another Bank.

Security Codes: Means all passwords, activation keys and other codes as may be prescribed by Lulu from time to time.

Security Tools: Means Your User ID, Password, One Time Pin, and any other means of security Lulu accredited from time to time to allow You to get access to the Lulu Money Services.

Software: Means the application available in iOS store and Android market to be downloaded and installed on Your mobile phone in order to access the Lulu Money Services.

Transactions: Means instructions affecting Your Account.

Triggers: Means the customized messages Lulu sends due to specific events and/or transactions relating to Your Account such as push notifications, notices, products, updates, general greetings.

Website: Means Lulu Exchange’s website, www.luluexchange.com

You or Your: Including all grammatical variations means an individual who maintains an Account and is authorized to conduct Transactions via Lulu Money Services.

  1. Words importing only the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.
  2. The words importing any gender shall include all genders, words importing person shall include a sole proprietor, partnership, firm, company, corporation or other legal person.
  3. Words and text not defined on these Terms and Conditions shall have the meaning as defined under the General Terms and Conditions of Accounts and Lulu Exchange’s services.

The Lulu Money Services will only be available for mobile phones running either on Apple or Android operating systems and data connections which meet the required specifications and configurations. You agree to procure and maintain a mobile phone and data connection which meets these requirements at Your own expense.

    1. The guidance on the operation of the Lulu Money Services will be made available to You. You must follow all relevant guidance whenever he operates the Lulu Money Services. In case there are changes to the way You should operate the Lulu Money Services, Lulu will notify You about the changes.
    2. Lulu may post all Alerts and Triggers on its Website and it is Your responsibility to check any updates or changes Lulu may do. You accept that in the future, Lulu may send Alerts and Triggers through additional modes of communication and from time to time, add, delete, and/or modify the Triggers based on Your requests.
    3. The Lulu Money Services will be available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day but there is no warranty that the same will be available at all times. Instructions received after Lulu Exchange’s normal working hours will be processed on the next Business Day. You agree that Lulu shall be entitled at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, to temporarily suspend the operation of the Lulu Money Services for updates, maintenance and upgrading purposes without any liability from its end.
    • Acceptance

    1. By registering on, accessing, browsing, downloading or using the Lulu Money for any general purpose or for the specific purpose of availing any Lulu Money Services, You agree to be bound by these terms and conditions set forth below as well as by the service-specific terms and conditions applicable to each Lulu Money Services (hereinafter collectively, the T&Cs). These T&Cs shall also include any additional or modified terms and conditions in relation to any additional or modified service-specific terms and conditions in relation to any Lulu Money Service or any future service that may be offered by Lulu Exchange on Lulu Money. By registering on, accessing, browsing, downloading or using (as applicable) the Lulu Money or availing any Lulu Money Services, You automatically and immediately agree to all the T&Cs. If at any time You do not accept or agree with any of the T&Cs or do not wish to be bound by the T&Cs, You may not access, browse or use the Lulu Money and immediately terminate Your availing the Lulu Money Services. Accepting or agreeing to the T&Cs will constitute a legal contract (hereinafter Agreement) between You and Lulu Exchange. All services are rendered by Lulu Exchange through the Lulu Money under the brand name “Lulu Exchange” (or any derivatives or variations thereof). Consequently, all the rights, benefits, liabilities and obligations under the T&Cs shall, as the case may be, accrue to the benefit of, or incurred by, Lulu Exchange, regarding Your use of Lulu Exchange’s digital services (which includes but may not be limited to money remittance services), any services which may be added on the Lulu Money and which will henceforth be a Lulu Money Service, from time to time. The Lulu Money Services shall be used by You subject to Your adherence with the T&Cs. As long as You accept and comply with these T&Cs, Lulu Exchange grants You a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited, revocable privilege to enter and use the Lulu Money and/or avail the Lulu Money Services.
    • Eligibility

The Lulu Money Services are not available to persons under the age of 18 years or to anyone previously suspended or removed by Lulu Exchange from availing the Lulu Exchange Services or accessing Lulu Money. Further, the Lulu Money is not available for corporates, business houses or any other entity other than a natural person. The Lulu Money is not for the purposes of routing any corporate or business transactions. By accepting the T&Cs or by otherwise using the Lulu Money Services on the Lulu Money Mobile App, You represent that You are at least 18 years of age and have not been previously suspended or removed by Lulu Exchange, or disqualified for any other reason, from availing the Lulu Money Services or using the Lulu Money and that you are a natural person intending to use the Lulu Money solely in capacity as a natural person and on your own behalf and that You will not route any corporate or business transactions from the Lulu Money Mobile App. In addition, You represent and warrant that You have the right, authority and capacity to enter into Your Agreement and to abide by all the T&Cs as part of Your Agreement. Finally, You shall not impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent Your identity, age or affiliation with any person or entity. Finally, in the event of any violation of the T&Cs, Lulu Exchange reserves the right to suspend or permanently prevent You from availing Lulu Exchange Services or using the Lulu Money Mobile App.

    1. Lulu will issue the Security Codes for the access on the Lulu Money Services. Lulu may also issue separate requirements, restrictions, instructions, activation and access procedures, or any additional conditions pertaining to the access and use of the Lulu Money Services, the Software, the Security Codes, and the transmission of Instructions (“Procedures”). You agree and undertakes to be bound by and to comply with all of the Procedures that Lulu may issue from time to time.
    2. You must secure the Software and the Security Codes installed on Your mobile phone with a password. All such passwords and the Security Codes must be kept strictly confidential and must not be disclosed to anyone else.
    3. You must not permit any person to access Your mobile phone in such a manner that he may access the Software, Security Codes or the Lulu Money Service.
    4. In the event that You lost possession or control of Your mobile phone in which the Software and/or the Security Codes are installed, You must immediately notify and instruct Lulu to revoke the Security Codes.
    5. Until and unless You notifies Lulu, in accordance with Clause 3.4, all Instructions received by Lulu which are associated with Your Security Code shall be deemed correct, valid and issued by You. Lulu shall be entitled to rely on such Instructions, whether they actually originated from You or purportedly originated from You. You accept that all erroneous or inadvertent messages received and processed are Your responsibility.
    6. You agree to indemnify Lulu against any and all liabilities, losses, claims and damages arising as a result of Customer’s negligence, breach or non-compliance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions or as a result of You losing Your mobile phone and/or Security Codes.
    7. Customer to use LuLu Money application for doing Remittance Transactions when inside Qatar only.
    8. Customers must only use their own banking details/Debit card details to perform any transactions.
    9. Cancellation clause 'The refund will be initiated only to the same Bank account from which the transaction was executed as per the company policy'.
    10. Transaction Rejection clause 'Transactions rejected Other than 'technical reasons' Commission will be charged as per the company policy'.
    11. Customers agree to cooperate with the delays that occurred due to technical/transactional delay in credit on all transactions

Upon completion of the prescribed registration and activation procedures, You will be permitted to download the Software for installation into Your mobile phone and accordingly You will be granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Software, provided he continuously complies with the following:

  1. Not to use the Software for any purpose other than to access Your own Account(s) via the Lulu Money Services.
  2. Not to permit or enable any person to access the Software, or leave Your mobile phone unattended in such a manner as to enable others to access the Software.
  3. Not to reproduce, modify or reverse engineer, modify, decompile the Software or permit any other person to do so.
  4. Not to permit any person to access the Security or Activation Codes or otherwise enable any person to download a copy of the Software.
  5. Acknowledge that the Lulu Money Services and all associated software are either owned, proprietary or licensed to Lulu and/or third-party providers.
  1. Unless applicable law in the destination country requires otherwise, You will bear all fees for the money transfer. In certain cases, payment of a money transfer may be subject to local taxes and service charges. For account based money transfer, the beneficiary may incur additional fees for receiving funds sent by You. Transfers should be sent to a local (beneficiary) currency account, otherwise the receiving institution may convert the funds at its own exchange rate or reject the transaction. The beneficiary’s agreement with its account provider/bank governs the account and determines their rights, liability, fees, funds availability and account limitations. In the event of an inconsistency between the account number (including mobile phone numbers for mobile accounts) and name of the beneficiary, the transfer will be credited to the account number provided by You. Lulu Exchange accepts no responsibility towards You nor to any account holder for any fees, exchange rates used for conversion to non-local currency, acts or omissions of the destination or intermediary financial service providers.
  2. Money transfer payments will normally be made in the currency of the destination country. All currency is converted at Lulu Exchange’s then current rate of exchange. Lulu Exchange calculates its rate of exchange based on commercially available interbank rates plus a margin. Most rates of exchange are adjusted several times daily in line with the relevant closing rate of financial markets globally.

By accessing or using Lulu Money or by availing Lulu Exchange Services, You agree not to:

  1. violate the T&Cs;
  2. impersonate any person or entity, falsely claim or otherwise misrepresent Your affiliation with any person or entity, or access the accounts of others without permission, perform any fraudulent activity or otherwise avail Lulu Exchange Services with what we reasonably believe to be potentially fraudulent funds;
  3. use or access Lulu Money or any Lulu Money Service, to facilitate or support any act or omission by any party, that violates these T&Cs or any laws in any jurisdiction, including but not limited to rules and regulations relating to money laundering and any subsequent amendments thereto, illegal gambling activities, fraud, or funding of terrorist organizations, etc.
  4. infringe our or any third party’s intellectual property rights, rights of publicity or privacy;
  5. intentionally interfere with or damage operation of the Lulu Exchange Services or Lulu Money or any other user’s enjoyment of it, by any means, including uploading or otherwise disseminating viruses, adware, spyware, worms, or other malicious code or file with contaminating or destructive features;
  6. provide false, inaccurate or misleading information;
  7. avail Lulu Exchange Services with what Lulu Exchange reasonably believes to be potentially fraudulent funds;
  8. use the Lulu Exchange Services in a manner that results in or may result in complaints, disputes, reversals, chargebacks, fees, fines, penalties and other liability to Lulu Exchange, a third party or You;
  9. use the Lulu Exchange Services in a manner that Lulu Exchange or any payment card network reasonably believe to be an abuse of the payment card system or a violation of payment card network rules;

The availability and proper functioning of the Lulu Money Services are dependent on many variable circumstances, including location, mobile network availability and signal strength, proper functioning of hardware, software and the mobile phone, and Lulu shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may result directly or indirectly from any unavailability or improper functioning of the Lulu Money Service for any reason.

    1. You agree to indemnify and compensate Lulu for any damages, loss, expense or liability it incurred as a result of Your breach of these Terms and Conditions.
    2. You understand that in the event of loss of Your Mobile Phone and/or SIM Card or when other got possession of it, it can be misused. Accordingly, You agrees to indemnify Lulu for any such misuse arising out of the same. You shall not hold Lulu responsible for any losses he may incur arising from it.
    3. If You opens additional Accounts or subscribes to any of Lulu Exchange’s or its affiliates’ products, services and Lulu extends the Lulu Money Services to such Accounts, Products or Services and You opts to apply for the services, then the Terms and Conditions of respective product or services shall automatically apply to such further use of the Lulu Money Services.
    4. Lulu Exchange abides to the requirements under Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing regulations currently in force. In meeting these requirements, we would provide details of your transactions to the regulatory authorities as per their guidelines. For this purpose and the business requirements of Lulu Exchange, you agree to provide true, accurate, complete and current information and documents to Lulu Exchange. You shall indemnify Lulu Exchange for any loss caused to Lulu Exchange due to your provision of such untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or not current information and Lulu Exchange will not be responsible for any damages, losses or claims made against them.
    5. Other Lulu Services. Other products & services made available from time to time in the Lulu Money may be accessed by customer based on subscription.
    6. You accept that there are risks when using internet as a reliable means of communication and should You decide to communicate and use any of Lulu Money Services through Lulu Money, You should do that entirely at Your own risk and without any liability from Lulu Exchange.
    7. The accuracy and correctness of all information and details transmitted through Lulu Exchange’s services are the responsibility of You and You accept that all Transactions and Instructions requested will be processed without the need of any further reference, written notice or verification from Lulu Exchange’s side.
    8. Once You submit and confirm an instruction or a Transaction, Lulu Exchange shall be under no obligation to accept any amendment or cancellation afterwards.
    9. You can add a beneficiary for a Transaction or payment through the Lulu Money’s services and You accept that Lulu Exchange will not be liable for any delay or non-payment if it was caused by an error on the details of the beneficiary or failure to identify the beneficiary or delay or failure to act by the receiving party.
    10. Lulu Exchange does not represent or warrant that the Lulu Money will be (a) available to meet the requirements; (b) uninterrupted and no delays; (c) free from failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information; or (d) free from viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties that can damage Your phone operating system.
    11. You accept that Lulu Exchange will not be liable to You or any other person for any negligence, breach, misrepresentation, claim, delay, expense damage or any other liability including legal cost, any loss however caused and irrespective of whether any claim is based on the loss of profit, business revenue, investment, goodwill, interruption of business or anticipated savings or loss of data which arises from:
  1. Lulu Exchange acting or failing to act upon any of Your Instructions;
  2. Any error contained in the information You has provided through Lulu Money Services;
  3. Access or use of Lulu Money Services in the manner or purpose not authorized by Lulu Exchange or from Your part;
  4. Malfunction or breakdown of access to Lulu Money Services; and
  5. Any events outside Lulu Exchange’s control.
  6. You agree to treat access rights; documentation and any information related to Your Lulu Money Services strictly private and confidential and You shall not copy or reproduce them in any form either in whole or in part.
    1. Alerts. If You subscribes, Lulu will provide You with alerts or confirmation to Your nominated contact number or e-mail address every time a transaction is performed using the Lulu Exchange’s services.
    2. Fees and Charges. You accept that Lulu may impose Charges on the Lulu Exchange’s services and if applicable, Lulu will deduct the charges from Your Account. If You uses a Credit Card to make Transfer or Payments, he accepts that it will be subject to cash advance fees except if it pertains to payments to utility companies.
    3. In no event, Lulu Exchange or its contractors, agents, licensors, partners or suppliers will be liable to You for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, reliance, or exemplary damages (including without limitation lost business opportunities, lost revenues, or loss of anticipated profits or any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary loss or damage of any nature whatsoever) arising out of or relating to: (i) this Agreement; (ii) the Lulu Exchange Services, Lulu Money or any reference site/app/platform/service; or (iv) Your use or inability to use the Lulu Exchange Services, Lulu Money (including any and all materials) or any reference sites/app/platform/service, even if Lulu Exchange or a Lulu Exchange authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event, Lulu Exchange or any of its contractors, directors, employees, agents, third party partners, licensors or suppliers will be liable to You for any damages, liabilities, losses, and causes of action arising out of or relating to: (i) this Agreement; (ii) the Lulu Exchange Services, Lulu Money or any reference site/app/platform/service; or (iv) Your use or inability to use the Lulu Exchange services, Lulu Money (including any and all materials) or any reference sites/app/platform/service; or (v) any other interactions with Lulu Exchange, however caused and whether arising in contract, tort including negligence, warranty or otherwise, beyond or in excess of the amount remitted by You in the last transaction. You acknowledge and agree that Lulu Exchange has offered its products and services, set its prices, and entered into this Agreement in reliance upon the warranty disclaimers and the limitations of liability set forth herein, that the warranty disclaimers and the limitations of liability set forth herein reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risk between You and Lulu Exchange, and that the warranty disclaimers and the limitations of liability set forth herein form an essential basis of the bargain between You and Lulu Exchange. Lulu Exchange would not be able to provide the services to You on an economically reasonable basis without these limitations. Applicable law may not completely allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions will apply to You subject to applicable law. In such cases, Lulu Exchange’s liability will be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. This paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

You agree to indemnify, save, and hold Lulu Exchange, its affiliates, contractors, employees, officers, directors, agents, licensors, and partners harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, and liabilities, costs and expenses, including without limitation legal fees and expenses, arising out of or related to: (i) Your use or misuse of the Lulu Money; (ii) any violation by You of this Agreement; or (iii) any breach of the representations, warranties, and covenants made by You herein. Lulu Exchange reserves the right, at Your expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which You are required to indemnify Lulu Exchange, including rights to settle, and You agree to cooperate with Lulu Exchange’s defense and settlement of these claims. Lulu Exchange will use reasonable efforts to notify You of any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party that is subject to the foregoing indemnification upon becoming aware of it. This paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement.

To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Lulu Exchange and its third-party partners, licensors and suppliers disclaim all warranties or guarantees – whether statutory, express or implied – including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of proprietary rights. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by You from Lulu Exchange or through the Lulu Money will create any warranty or guarantee other than those expressly stated herein. For the purposes of this Disclaimer, You expressly acknowledge that as used in this section, the term “Lulu Exchange” includes Lulu Exchange’s officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents, licensors, subcontractors and affiliates. You acknowledge that Lulu Exchange is a facilitator of money remittance services and is not liable for any third party (banks etc.) obligations due to fluctuation in currency exchange rates, delay in remittance to Beneficiary bank account and all other instances, whether to any such banks’ account holder or otherwise. You expressly agree that use of the Lulu Money is at Your sole risk. It is Your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all opinions, advice, services, merchandise and other information provided through the Lulu Money or on the Internet generally. Lulu Exchange does not warrant that the Lulu Money will be uninterrupted or error-free or that defects in the site will be corrected. The Lulu Money and any data, information, third party software, reference sites, services, or software made available in conjunction with or through the services and the site are provided on an “as is” and “as available,” “with all faults” basis and without warranties or representations of any kind either express or implied. Lulu Exchange, and its third-party suppliers, licensors, and partners do not warrant that the data, Lulu Exchange software, functions, or any other information offered on or through the Lulu Money or any reference sites/s/apps/services will be uninterrupted, or free of errors, viruses or other harmful components and do not warrant that any of the foregoing will be corrected. Lulu Exchange and its third-party suppliers, licensors, and partners do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the Lulu Money or any reference sites/platforms/apps/services in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. You understand and agree that You use, access, download, or otherwise obtain information, materials, or data through the Lulu Money or any reference sites/platforms/apps/services at Your own discretion and risk and that You will be solely responsible for any damage to Your property (including Your computer system and mobile device or any other equipment) or loss of data that results from the download or use of such material or data. We do not authorize anyone to make any warranty on our behalf and You should not rely on any such statement. This paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement. In no event will Lulu Exchange be liable for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages (including, but not limited to, damages for loss information and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Lulu Money.

    1. You will be given the Security Tools which should safeguarded at all times. The Security Tools are considered Customer’s identification and authentication when access to the Lulu Exchange’s services is made. Once completely and successfully entered, You agrees that any Instruction received or Transaction processed shall be deemed to have been authorized and to have originated from You without the need to obtain any further written or other confirmation even if those instructions are not authorized by You or performed by another person.
    2. You agree that any person who uses the Security Tools to access Your Account through the Lulu Exchange’s services will be given access and Lulu is not obliged to further check the identity of such person or the validity of any Transactions made on Your behalf.
    3. You should immediately notify Lulu in case Your mobile device is lost, stolen or damaged.
    4. From time to time, Lulu will require You to change Your/her MPIN &/or Password for security purpose. Your MPIN &/or Password may be re-activated and if Lulu allows, You are given additional five (5) attempts to log-in.
    5. In case You requests for a new MPIN/ Password, Lulu will respond only after upon completion of the authentication process. In case Lulu approves Your request, Lulu will reset and issue a new MPIN/ Password which Lulu will deliver to Your registered mobile.
    6. In the event of any misuse, You accept that Lulu have the right to disable the access to Lulu Exchange’s services.

At Lulu Exchange, we take your privacy and data security very seriously. We protect and secure your financial and personal data using proven technologies. Certified and accredited by third party privacy organizations, Lulu Exchange is regulated by the Qatar Central Bank.

  1. 24/7 Built-in Transaction Monitoring Protection: We continually monitor our platform to protect our customers from fraudulent activity and unusual transactions. For the safety and security of your account, we may occasionally place a temporary hold or block a transfer until we can validate the activity. This is not done to intentionally slow down a transfer but to ensure the swift and accurate transfer of funds from your account to your intended recipient. When these transaction holds do occur, we will always attempt to contact you via email and phone for an additional security clearance and verification, particularly when your transaction is large or out of pattern.
  2. Regulated: Lulu Exchange Co. W.L.L. is fully regulated and registered as a certified money transmitter and operates in Qatar.
  3. Secure Debit Card Usage: Our website uses MasterCard Secure Code and Verified by Visa systems to ensure only valid orders are processed.
  4. Bank-Level Security: Lulu Exchange uses the same 256-bit encryption and physical security used by banks. Our practices are monitored and verified by Comodo and VeriSign.
  5. World-Class Compliance: We use a sophisticated, multi-point technique to ensure all transactions are subject to the appropriate levels of 'Know Your Customer' and other regulatory checks.

You expressly and impliedly provide Your free and unconditional consent for the following: (a) for transferring Lulu Exchange’s rights and obligations under this Agreement and the T&Cs in favor of any affiliate or third party; (b) for using the Lulu Money and availing the Lulu Exchange Services by You subject to any specific terms and conditions imposed by any affiliate of Lulu Exchange; (c) for receiving communications, notices and information from any Lulu Exchange or any affiliate of Lulu Exchange; (d) for sharing of business information (including data analytics and any information relating to You or the services being availed by You) between Lulu Exchange and any affiliate, insofar as such sharing of business information is necessary or required for the following limited purposes: (i) provision of better services to Lulu Exchange’s customers (including You); (ii) provision of better services by Lulu Exchange’s vendors; (iii) to prevent any breach of a binding agreement between Lulu Exchange and any affiliate, or to give effect to any such agreement; (iv) for ensuring compliance with the applicable law or legally compelled disclosures by Lulu Exchange or by any affiliate of Lulu Exchange; or (v) for preventing fraud and money laundering and for enhancement of risk mitigation systems and processes in relation to the activities of Lulu Exchange or any affiliate; or (vi) Lulu Exchange retaining any and all information relating to You till such time as may be required under applicable laws or internal policies. At times Lulu Exchange or its affiliates may make certain personal information available to affiliates, and, strategic partners that work with Lulu Exchange to provide products and services, or that help Lulu Exchange market to customers. Personal information will only be shared by Lulu Exchange to provide or improve Lulu Exchange’s products, services and advertising, and will always be shared in compliance with applicable laws; it will not be shared with non-affiliated third parties for their marketing purposes. Lulu Exchange, amongst others, shares information with companies (including with its affiliates) who provide services such as information processing, extending credit, fulfilling customer orders, delivering products to You, managing and enhancing customer data, providing customer service, assessing Your interest in Lulu Exchange’s products and services, offering any products or services from any Lulu Money, and conducting customer research or satisfaction surveys. Any such sharing will be in compliance with applicable law and these companies are obligated to protect Your personal information under applicable law. It may be necessary − by law, legal process, litigation, and/or requests from public and governmental authorities − for Lulu Exchange to disclose Your personal information. Lulu Exchange may also disclose information about You if Lulu Exchange determines that for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance, disclosure is necessary or appropriate. Lulu Exchange may also disclose information about You if Lulu Exchange determines that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce the T&Cs or protect Lulu Exchange’s operations or users. Additionally, in the event of a reorganization, transfer, merger, or sale of all or any portion of Lulu Exchange’s business or products or services offered through any Lulu Money to any persons (including any affiliates), Lulu Exchange may transfer any and all personal information that Lulu Exchange collects to the relevant transferee or enter into contractual agreements to share such information with such transferees, and transfer any contractual rights or benefits to such transferees. For the purposes of these T&Cs, the term “affiliates” means and includes (a) a person under the control of or under common control with Lulu Exchange; or (b) any company, who is an associate company of the first company, or if more than 50% of the share capital of such company (calculated on a fully diluted basis) is held by the same shareholders who own more than 50% of the share capital of Lulu Exchange (calculated on a fully diluted basis). For the purpose of this definition of an “affiliate”, “control” together with its grammatical variations when used with respect to any person (including Lulu Exchange), means the power to direct the management and policies of such person, directly or indirectly, whether through the ownership of the voting securities, by contract or otherwise howsoever; and a “person” means a company, corporation, a partnership, trust or any other entity or organization or other body whatsoever. Lulu Exchange’s privacy policy applies to use of the Lulu Money, and its terms are made a part of these T&Cs by this reference. Additionally, by using the Lulu Money, You acknowledge and agree that Internet transmissions are never completely private or secure. You understand that any message or information You send to the Lulu Money may be read or intercepted by others, even if there is a special notice that a particular transmission (for example, credit card information) is encrypted.

The Lulu Money Services and the Lulu Money are owned and operated by Lulu Exchange. The visual interfaces, graphics, design, compilation, information, computer code (including source code and object code), products, software, services, and all other elements of the Lulu Money provided by Lulu Exchange (hereafter Materials) are protected by the Law No. 7 of 2002 on the Protection of Copyright and Related Rights, patent (Decree Law No. 30 for the year 2006), trade dress, and trademark laws (Law no. 9 of 2002 Pertaining to Trademarks, Commercial Indications, Trade Names, Geographical Indications, and Industrial Designs and Models), international conventions, and all other relevant intellectual property and proprietary rights, and applicable laws. As between You and Lulu Exchange, all Materials, trademarks, service marks, and trade names contained on the Lulu Money are the property of Lulu Exchange and/or third-party licensors or suppliers. You agree not to remove, obscure, or alter Lulu Exchange or any third party’s copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within or accessed in conjunction with or through the Lulu Money. Except as expressly authorized by Lulu Exchange, You agree not to sell, license, distribute, copy, modify, publicly perform or display, transmit, publish, edit, adapt, create derivative works from, or otherwise make unauthorized use of the Materials. Lulu Exchange reserves all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement. If You have comments regarding the Lulu Money or ideas on how to improve it, please contact customer service. Please note that by doing so, You hereby irrevocably assign to Lulu Exchange, and shall assign to Lulu Exchange, all rights, title and interests in and to all ideas and suggestions and any and all worldwide intellectual property rights associated therewith. You agree to perform such acts and execute such documents as may be reasonably necessary to perfect the foregoing rights.

Profile deactivation requests can be completed by visiting any of the nearest branch. After validating the identity of the customer, and confirming the request for profile deactivation, front-line associates change the profile status to inactive. After profile moves to inactive status, it prevents performing transactional activities from any platforms provided by the Company

Customer profile records would be maintained at our end as per the regulations.

    1. Lulu Exchange’s records maintained through the mobile network or otherwise, unless proven to be wrong, shall be accepted as conclusive and legally binding evidence of Your Transactions using the Lulu Exchange’s services.
    2. You shall be responsible to ensure strict adherence to the security guidelines for the use of Lulu Exchange’s services. This includes ensuring that any other security alerts that are posted on Lulu Exchange’s Website and/or Lulu advised to You through e-mail are observed and complied at all times.
    3. You may request to terminate the access to Lulu Exchange’s services at any time by giving Lulu a prior written notice of three (3) Business Days.
    4. Lulu may from time to time and at its sole discretion with prior notice to You, change and amend any of these Terms and Conditions. The changes will apply on the effective date Lulu specified in the notice.
    5. These Terms and Conditions shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Qatar and the rules, regulations and directives of the Qatar Central Bank. In the event of a dispute, the courts of such Qatar shall have jurisdiction, provided that Lulu may, if it deems appropriate, bring proceedings in any other jurisdiction, inside or outside the Qatar.
    6. The Terms and Conditions are made in bi-lingual Arabic and English texts however, if there is any contradiction between the Arabic and English text, the English text shall prevail.
    7. By applying for and using the Lulu Money Services, You acknowledge and accepts these Terms and Conditions and any supplementary terms and conditions that may from time to time be in force.